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Airbrush Face Painting
- $0.00
- Call to reserve.
Dahlonega | Dawsonville | Gainesville
250$ Base Rate Up to 45 Participants
350$ Base Rate 46-100 Participants
100$ Per Addt'l Hour of Service Requested
100$ Travel Fee Outside of Dahlonega, Dawsonville, Gainesville
Travel fees are set by the artist and added to the Jitterbug Invoice. Note this is in addition to any equipment delivery charges for items such as inflatables over our 25 mile free delivery area.*Our face paints are water proof and smudge proof, but come off easily with soap and water.
*Airbrush Face Paint/Body Makeup is approved for use with inflatables by Jitterbug.
*Traditional Grease based facepaint stains inflatables and is NOT allowed on any Jitterbug equipment/inflatables.
*We offer over 30 different full face designs, as well as small cheek designs perfect for smaller children.
*Reservation is not final until Jitterbug confirms artist availability for day and time of event. Artist are independant contractors working with Jitterbug. You get the benefit of dealing with one company and paying one invoice.